The Role of Nepal Army in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations 1958-2009

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Faculty of Political Science
The history of human civilization may be characterized as the history of war, conflict and searchfor peace. After World War-II, on October 24, 1945, United Nations was established. Nepal hasbeen one of the active members of United Nations since her membership on December 14, 1955.The United Nations is common forum for all the member states. The peacekeeping is a techniquewhich has been developed mainly by the United Nations to help, control and resolve armedconflict through Security Council Resolution. After Cold War, peacekeeping operations havebeen complex and multidimensional. There are many success stories as well as failures of theUnited Nations peacekeeping operations.Nepal Army is facing tough competition mostly fromits South Asian counterparts like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Keeping these facts in mind,the main objective of the study is to assess the significant contribution of Nepal Army in theUnited Nations peacekeeping operations 1958-2009. The study entitled "The Role of Nepal Army in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations 1958-2009",examines a fifty one year's history of Nepal Army's participation in United Nations peacekeepingoperations. The main problem of the study is to evaluate the role of Nepal Army and its challenges inperforming United Nations peacekeeping operations 1958-2009. This is the first attempt to analyze the role of Nepal Army in the United Nations peacekeepingoperations.The research intends to studythe roleof Nepal Army in the United Nations peacekeepingoperations. This study is based on descriptive analysis. In this research the perposive sampling method isused for primary data.The primary data were collected from more than hundred personnel relatedto the topic with the help of interview,questionnaire and interaction. During the primary andsecondary data collection various libraries, Nepal Government offices, Nepal Army HQ, NepalPolice HQ, APF HQ,etc. have been visited. Field visit of Bunia,DRC, Congo and various NAtraining centers, units and sub units have been carried out. The information available in the website has also been used in course of analysis. The data were cross-checked in various ways. Thedata have been described, analyzed and compared in the study. This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one deals statement of the problem, objectives,justification of the study, limitations of the study, review of the literature, research methodology,conceptual framework and organization of the study. Chapter two presents the nature of UnitedNations peacekeeping operations and Nepal's participation in peacekeeping operations. Chapter threelooks at the role of Nepal Army in theUnited Nations peacekeeping operations. Chapter fouranalyzes the challenges of Nepal Army in performing United Nations peacekeeping operations. Chapter fiveoffers a summary, conclusions, findings and recommendations. The UNDPKO has been conducting various PKOs though it is not mentioned in the UN Charter.Peacekeeping is becoming major tools for the peace and security in the world.Main challenges of UNare budget, effectiveness, political interest of powerful nations etc. To overcome new challenges manypanel and reports have prepared. Nepal is sixth largest troops contributing country in the world. Nepal Army has played several roles in the history of Nepal. To support national policy throughinternational peace support operations is one of the secondary roles of Nepal Army. Nepal Army selectsthe troops according to selection procedure and provides them pre-deployment training in BirendraPeace Operations Training Center.Over 74,000 troops of Nepal Armyincludingfour Force Commanders,one Assistance Military Adviser to Secretary General and 197 females have participated in UNPKOs.Fiftysix Nepali peacekeepers have laid their lives in line of their duties for serving the cause of peace andsecurity of the world and fifty seven have injured. The Nepal Army troops are always accepted heartily around the world. The Nepal Army celebrated itsfifty years participation in the UNPKO on June 12, 2008. Despite of negligible weakness of the NepalArmy, it has shown significant contribution in peacekeeping operations duties. The findings of the studyare as follows: In the context of new world order, the nature of UNPKO is becoming more complex and versatile as aresult of which the level of risk has increased for the peacekeepers.NA troops also have to be equallycompetitive to take advantages from the UNPKOs. Nepal has become reliable and renowned major troops contributing country to the UN since herparticipation in the UNPKO. As a result, the country is more secured in preserving her nationalindependence. NA has also contributed to maintain and implement Nepal's foreign policy. It has becomeprofessionally stronger due to the participation in thirty four UNPKOs along with the training of modernweapons, equipments and modern values. The main challenges for Nepal Army to perform UNPKOs are: weakness in logistic self sustains securityof troops and language problem.