Students’ Voices on Homework

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Department of English Education
The main objectives of this study were to find out current patterns ofEnglish homework and the gap between patterns of homework assignments andstudents' interest. This study includes both qualitativeand quantitativemethods. Survey designwas used for quantitative phaseandnarrative inquirywasusedfor qualitative phase. Aset ofquestionnaireand focused groupdiscussion (FGD) wereused as a tool to collect data,40 studentswere selectedto complete questionnaireand six students wereselected for FGD.Therespondentsare secondary level (8-9) students from two different schools ofIllam district, theywere chosen through purposive sampling procedure.Therecorded discussionof FGDwas transcribed,analyzed and interpreted in athematic approach. The finding of this study shows that students are notsatisfied with the current patterns of homeworkin English, teacher mostlyassign textbook related assignments but they desire some changes in patterns ofhomework i.e. technology based work, creative andcontextual writing, fieldwork, group work, project work, presentation,etc. Thestudy providesEFLteachers, educators, policy makers, curriculum developers, syllabus designer,parents as well studentswith insights into how the teaching can be madeoutcome oriented. This thesis includes five chapters. The first chapter deals with thegeneral background, statement of the problem,rationaleof the study,objectivesof the study,research questions,delimitations of the study and operationaldefinitions of the key terms. The second chapter includes the review of thetheoretical and empirical literaturesand conceptual framework of the study.Similarly, the third chapter deals with methods and procedures which includedesign and method of the study, population, sample and sampling procedure,source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretationprocedures and ethical considerationof the study. Likewise, the fourth chapterdeals with analysis and interpretation of results. And the fifth chapter presents findings based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, conclusion derivedfrom the findings and recommendations. This chapter is also followed byreferences and appendices.