Attitudes and Practices of Secondary Level English Teachers towards Teacher Professional Development

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Department of English Education
This research entitledAttitudesand Practices of Secondary Level EnglishTeachers towardsTeacher Professional Developmenthas been carried out toidentify the attitudes of secondary English teachers towards teacher professionaldevelopment.The primary data werecollected from the thirtysecondary Englishteachers ofthe Kathmandu valley. The data were obtained from the respondentsthrough the use of questionnaire consisted with close and open–ended questions.Thecollected data were analyzed with the help of statistical tools.The major findings ofthis study were majorityoftherespondents had given positive response towardsteacher professional development and most of the teachers had preferred to practiceteacher support group for their professional development. The study shows thatalmost all the teachers expressed their positive attitudes to the practices of teacherprofessional development at secondary level for their professional development. Theyalso viewed that practices of teacher professional development play significant role tosustain the profession of the teacher. This study consists of five chapters. The first chapter includes the background of thestudy, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions,significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of thekey terms. The second chapter presents review of related theoretical literature, reviewof empirical literature, implications of the study and conceptual framework. In thesame way, the third chapter deals with design of the study, population, sample andsampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, dataanalysis procedures and ethical considerations. The fourth chapter is about analysis ofdata and interpretation of result. The fifth chapter includes findings, conclusion andrecommendations. The final chapter is followed by the references and appendixes tomake the study reliable, valid and authentic.