Students’ Perception Towards Homework in Mathematics Learning

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Department of Mathematics Education
Assigning homework to improve achievement of students in mathematics motivatesthem towards learning. The primary purpose of this study was to identify students’perceptions towards homework in mathematics. To accomplish this objective, theresearcher employeda cross-sectional survey in order to complete this study. The sample ofthe study comprised120 students, those studying at grade 10, from Kathmandu Valley usingrandom sampling techniques. The researcheruseda questionnaire and semi-structuredinterview as the primary data collection tools. More importantly, the researcherperformedSPSS 21.0 statistical software to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaire andthematic approachin order to analyze thedata obtained from the semi-structuredinterview.The result of the data analysis showed that students perceived homework inmathematics positively. Furthermore, the data showed that assignment was useful tounderstand mathematics more deeply and meaningfully. In addition to this, sample of studyunderscored that homework reflects their own learning progress, however it was alsoaccentuated that they did not have enough time for extracurricular activities.There were sixfactors that significantly affect student perceptions towardsHomeworkin mathematics.These factors were individual skills of language, math, and reasoning along with motivation,quality of the assignment, teacher feedback, and the environment in which homework iscompleted.It is affirmed that the amount of homework and students’ progress record mustbe matched before assigning it.