Socio-demographic determinants of antenatal services utilization (A study among delivery seeking women in selected hospital of Pokhara, Nepal)

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Department of Population Studies
Thesis entitled "Socio-Demographic Determinants of Antenatal Services Utilization: A Study Among Delivery Seeking Women in Selected Hospitals of Pokhara, Nepal” was aimed to assess Socio-Demographic factors affecting ANC utilization by women who had been shifted in postnatal wards after delivering a child at Manipal Teaching Hospital. Duration of data collection was set from 25 th June to 10 th July 2022. Total sample was determined during data collection period. Purposive sampling method was used It was a descriptive study and sample size was 321. Data were collected by using structured questionnaires by interviewing mothers. Data were entered and analyzed in SPSS version 20. Frequency distribution tables were used to display results in number and percentage along with p value and odds ratio wherever require by applying Chi-square and logistic regression test at 5 per cent level of significance. Major findings reveal that 81 per cent women completed ≥ 4 ANC visits out of which only 57 per cent had received good quality ANC services. Respondents’ educational status, occupation involved and number of children, monthly income of their spouse, family types and use of mass media (TV/radio/internet) were significant predictors for ≥4 ANC visits. The odds of seeking ≥ 4 ANC visits were 9 times more among women whose spouse’ monthly income were good (≥25,000 NRS/month) whereas, use of mass- media (TV/radio) accounts 10 times more likelihood of ≥4 ANC visits (OR=10.5, CI, 1.1-99.9). Likewise receipt of good quality ANC services showed significant association with mothers’ age, use of social media and intention to having children. Women having access to social media and intention of having children had 1.9 and 25 times more odds of receiving good quality. During ANC visits, more than 90 per cent of women received TT injection, 93 per cent had their blood pressure measured and ≥70 per cent women received folic acid and iron tablets. In summary respondents’ educational status, spouse monthly income and number of children were major socio-demographic factors for ≥ 4 ANC use while intended pregnancies, access of mass media (TV/radio) and social media had significant role that create awareness and encourage them to seek ANC services during complications and seeking medical advices.