Desire for Sex as a Determinant of Self Destruction in V.S. Naipaul's Guerrillas

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Department of English
This present thesis deals with the fluid nature of human being and his/her attempt of fulfilling dream or desire in V.S. Naipaul'sGuerrillas. Jane, the protagonist of the novel, runs after person to person to materialize her dream and desire but fails to do so. Her each and every attempt turns out to be futile but her hope does not end. Her restlessness and obsession for the pleasure drive her to a situation that causes her untimely demise. Her desires are spoilt one after another and she herself is spoilt by the love making pretension of Jimmy whose heart is filled with revenge. Due to the failure of analyzing the nature of desire and dream, the protagonist of the novel fails to realize that she has drowned in the depth of illusion.