Developing Proficiency in Spoken English by Grade Ten Students

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Faculty of Education Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Kathmandu, Nepal
This research work entitled " Developing Proficiency in Spoken English by Grade Ten Students" is an attempt to find out the impact of direct method for the proficiency of speaking skill in grade ten students and aims to list some pedagogical implications. The study was conducted in 'Shree Mahakali Namuna Higher Secondary School', Gamgadi, Mugu. The students of class ten were purposively selected as the sample of the study. A pre-test was administered before starting the teaching. The students were divided into two groups in terms of odd and even roll numbers i.e. odd number group 'A' and even number group 'B'. This was done on the basis on the result of the pre-test. Then, the students were taught for a month using two ways; group 'A' was taught through direct method and group 'B' was taught through a usual method (or G.T. method). After a month, a post-test was given to the both groups. The data were analyzed descriptively using statistical tools, like average percentage, mean and presented using Para –orthographic modes such as tables, diagrams, etc. After the interpretation and analysis of data, it was found that the direct method had better impact on the students' proficiency of speaking skill at secondary level. This thesis has four chapters. The first chapter deals with the general background, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The chapter mainly deals with the procedure adopted to carry out the research. This contains information on the sources of data, population of study, sampling procedure, tools, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Similarly, the third chapter consists of the analysis and interpretation of the data. The data obtained through the pre-test and post-test are tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools. Chapter four deals with the major findings of the study on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data. It also deals with some recommendations made based on the major findings of the study. Finally, the references and the appendices which are necessary for the validation of the research are also presented.