An Analysis of the Vocabulary Used in the Health Population and Environment Textbook

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled 'An Analysis of Vocabulary Used in the Health, Population and Environment Textbook. It attempts to analyze the vocabulary items used in the textbook on the basis of total number, parts of speech, frequency of occurrence, morphological structures and the level of difficulty. The data of this study includes all the vocabulary items used in the Health, Population and Environment textbook for Grade X originally written in Nepali by Janak Education Materials Centre Ltd. and later translated by same centre, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. The major findings of the study show that, altogether 46878 different vocabulary items are found to be used in the text. Among them the highes tnumbers of vocabulary items are nouns. Similarly, the same words are used under more than one word classes. The article 'the' has the highest number of frequencyof occurrence. It has occurred 3175 times in the textbook. In the same way bothmono-morphemic and poly-morphemic words are used in the textbook. The study is divided into four chapters. Chapter one introduces the study in terms of the general background, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and definitions of the specific terms. Similarly, chapter two deals with the methodology adopted for the study, under which the sources of data, process of data collection and limitations of the study are presented. Chapter three deals with analysis and interpretation of the data. Chapter four discusses the major find ingsand pedagogical implications of the study.