Effectiveness of cooperative learning in improving English Speaking Skills at basic level

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Department of English Education
The study Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Improving English Speaking Skills at Basic Level was conducted to find out the effectiveness of cooperative learning technique on developing students' speaking skills. I used quasi experimental research design in order to carry out this study. I selected 60 students studying in grade 8 in Baljyoti English Boarding School in Banganga Municipality -4, Kapilvastu. The selection was done applying non-random purposive sampling procedure and the data were taken through the methodology of primary source of data. The quasi-experimental research design was used with the aim of establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between an independent and dependent variable. After selecting the sample of 60 students, a pre-test was administered to determine the students’ initial proficiency on the selected items. The study was conducted within three weeks starting from June 4, 2023. I used test items (pre-test and post-test) as the main tools for data collection. The test items consisted of five different areas of evaluation namely: pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy, communication and fluency. The findings showed a remarkable development in the students’ speaking skills after the introduction of cooperative learning techniques. Similarly, when teachers use cooperative techniques in their classes it automatically enhances their communicative skills and teacher doesn't need to translate the text in their mother- tongue as well. This research work includes five chapters. The first chapter of the study deals with the introduction of the topic in which background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definition of the key terms are included. The second chapter covers review of related literature. It consists of theoretical and empirical review of the literature, the implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework. Chapter three consists of discussion upon methodology and procedures of the study. It consists of design of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures, and ethical considerations. Chapter four of this study includes results and discussions where analysis and interpretation of the data is included and lastly the fifth chapter derives findings, conclusions and implications. In the end, references and appendices are included.