Suspense as a contaminating element between husband and wife in India family in Kamala Markandaya's a silence of desire.

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Department of English
Kamala Markandaya's novel,A Silence of Desiredepicts the man woman relationship in Indian society. It deals with the problem which is causedby the suspense of male character, Dandekar upon the female character, Sarojini. Their previous harmonious relationship is contaminated due to the suspense in the heart of male. Sarojini, the protagonist, has been the victim of suspense from her husband when she doesn't like to reveal all her secrecy with her husband. On the one hand, the cause of suspense is female character's regular visit to Swami for faith healing and on the other, the misunderstanding of male upon female due to her traditional way ofcuring her health. In fact, suspense is responsible to invite disharmony and contamination in their relationship. But later on with the revelation of secrecy, their relationship goes on improving though there is no fixity of their sound relationship to bedurable in future.