M. Butterfly and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: Exploration of Homosexual Self

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Department of English
Tennessee Williams'Cat on a Hot Tin Rootand David Hanry Hwang'sM. Butterflydepict the struggle of the characters like Brick Pollitt and Song Liling to stand in the society with theirparticular identity, which is almost in crisis. They are treated as social pariah within their own societies. These characters have to face the accusation of being outcast. In the play,Cat on a Hot Tin RootBrick has been presented emotionally and psychologically disturbed. On the other hand Song, being Chinese can not fulfill his homosexual desire openly and has to hide himself in the disguise of woman who does performances in opera. Slowly Song practises him homosexuality with Gallimard, a male character. Brick's internalized homophobia does not let him speak openly about his relationship with Skipper, where other view his homosexuality as 'Suspect'. Brick is in a position when he can neither accept nor deny his intimate relationship with Skipper. Song'shomosexuality is restricted by Chinese communism since it does not allow any such dirty activities and he is the agent of same political group. The contemporary American society was not willing to accept the possibility of different sexuality and gender identity of a person. Since, in Oriental society like China, the homosexuality was beyond imagination.