Politics of Irony in Adichie’s Americanah

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This research analyzes Adichie’s Americanah to expose upon irony about the Western behavior as presented in the novel. Likewise this research also focuses on constrast between ideal and practical democratic norms. The characters of this story are migrated to America for better life. They are migrated there because their own native country traps cultural violence, lack of infrastructure, political instability, low economic condition, corruption and unemployment which are the main cause of migration. However this migration opens wide range of possibilities in their life prove the contention. This research uses ideas from Linda Hutcheon and Wayne Booth. So all the characters in the novel suffer physically and mentally as immigrants in America. This project explores the condition of Nigerian people in general and Adichie’s characters in particular who suffer both in and outside Nigeria. She cannot entertain herself and finally becomes unbearable that leads to her own destruction resulting into politics of irony.