A Study of Doteli Cultural Songs from Biocentric Lenses

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Central Department of English Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Environmental literature aims at reading the earth closely to understand its patterns and systems. Environment is the foundation of all organisms which are interconnected and dependent on each other for their existence. The present thesis undertakes the study of Doteli cultural songs from biocentric lense in Saguns and Phags. This study delinates the econogical value and its preservation through the Phag Songs. Saguns and Phags are holy women songs created and sung by women which deserves the value of holy Vedic incantation. In Doti region, any ritual, cultural and religious performances are performed with the privileged presence of the prist, the organizer and the Sagun singers. Women sing Sagun and Phags on the occasions rituals and ceremonies. In order to dramatize cultural significance of several ceremonies practiced in Far-Western region. Such as: naming ceremony, initiation ceremony and marriage ceremony. The major thrust of the research is that these songs highlight the use of and praise for different elements of nature by man. Man’s association with nature is revealed to be less anthropocentric and more biocentric in these songs.