The gender inclusion in local Government of Nepal: Knowledge and practices

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Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Population Studies
Gender inclusion refers to the equal distribution of all power and services, opportunities, resources, establishments of rights and dignity to the male and female.The study based on the local level government with prospective of gender inclusion. The specific objectives of this study are to find out knowledge and practices of gender inclusiveness in local governments among the elected local body and to identify level of participation of female elected representatives in decision-making process. This study is based on cross-sectional research design and both primary source of data and secondary data were used. The study selected 358 local levels elected representatives as respondents. All the ward chairs and ward members were interview in the selected mulcipilities and Rural muncipitities of Lalitpur and jhapa districs. The field work was conducted in between 2075-10-5 (B.S.) to 2076-8-14 (B.S.). This data entered into SPSS database and results were obtained by frequency distributions, cross tabulations, male female proportion and Chi-Squire test. In this study, Knowladgeon gender inclusive was found to be universal to repondents. Mass Media was major sources of information. Gender equality and equal participation were understood as the equal participation of males and females in all local development. Majority of the respondent (95 %) reported that they had the knowledge about the meeting in which gender issue has been discussed. Almost all respondent reported that they participated in the meeting at the day time. In the meeting, the gender related issues were discussed.In addition, different areas of allocation of budget were discussed in the meeting ; women empowerment to income generation, reducing women's workload. In both study districts, majority (> 70 %) faced problems in demanding the budget in which the palika has not allocated the budget. Majority of respondents reported that they have formulated the policy and planning related to women empowerment, leadership plans, gender awareness and combating violence and cyber- crime, after being elected for local government. More than 87 percent male and female respondents reported that they have allocated budget on women's related area such as capacity building, programs targeted for women’s benefit, employment and income generation decreasing women’s work load and improving the quality work. vi In terms of level of participation in decision making process, more than 80 percent respondent reported that they have formulated the planning related to women empowerment after being elected for local government. In total, the plan formulation and budgeting has been focused in the skill development plans, income generation plan, empowerment and leadership plans, gender awareness on violence and cyber- crime. Jhapa district was more than double in percent for the formulation of skill development plans than Lalitpur district. In both districts, 68.6 percent, 8.5 percent and 22.9 percent respondents reported that they allocated gender friendly budget in different sectors which are Rs. 1-5 lakhs, 610 lakhs and 10-15 lakhs for capacity development of women sectors respectively. Majority of the respondents reported that they have allocated Rs.1-5 lakhs budget for women development sectors mostly capacity building of woman and followed by 1015 lakhs budget allocated for women development sectors. The study colcludes that women representation in local level is critically refers the declaration of constulation of Nepal in 2015. They shares more than 40 percent of the total local elected persons. But this numerical crtical mass has yet to translate in to understanding the gender inclusion in local government. The levels of understanding in gender inclusion, gender equalitys empowernment is still not adequate. The level of their real participation in decision making process in allocation of budgetincluding other activities that effect their life in still low but it is increasing due to their critical mass prosonal in the local government of Nepal. The real gender inclusion in local levels is possible, as policy advisers and policymakers transcend the artificial dichotomy between resources and services. Preconception based on gender and caste/ethnicity/ religious belief, women and those from marginalized and underprivileged groups to be generally incapable of decisionmaking sectors in local level development has to be avoided. The participants (men and women) were found to have low level of understanding on the gender inclusion concept and its operationalized definition. Among those who have some understanding of gender inclusion in local government, they need more awareness and skill development training about those issues of women's development in local level. They are still unable to decide on budget allocation of the local level and gender development sites because of their lack of knowledge.