Challenges of Teaching and Learning Reading Skill at Secondary Level

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Department of English Education
The thesis entitled Challenges of Teaching and Learning Reading Skill at Secondary Level is an attempt of the researcher to find out the main challenges of teaching and learning reading skill at secondary level schools in Nepal. It also aimed to analyze the causes of those challenges. To achieve these objectives, both the primary and secondary sources of data were used in the study. Descriptive and analytical study design along with both qualitative and quantitative data were used. A sample of five secondary level community schools from Sindhupalchwok district was taken on the basis of personal judgment of the researcher. Fifty students (10 from each 5 schools) and 5 teachers (1 from each 5 schools) were selected by using the same sampling procedure. The study has found that teaching and learning reading at school level has some challenges. The challenges were found to be related to both the teachers and the students. Most of the challenges associated with teaching and learning of reading are related to reading comprehension. The challenges were found to be the: problems of pronouncing vocabulary, recognizing the words, internalizing the sense of the text, dealing with complex structures of sentences, teacher centered traditional teaching methodology, low participation of the student, and use of mother tongue in teaching. The thesis has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the general background, literature review, objectives and the significance of the study. The second chapter contains the methodology which is sub-chaptered as the sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the collected data obtained from the field. The fourth chapter has the findings and recommendations of the study.