Representation of the 1930s Ireland: A Contextual Reading of Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes

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Department of English
Thisresearch paper explores Frank McCourt'sAngela's Ashesasacontextual document from the perspectiveof New Historicism.It pays a particular attention to theissue ofthemarginalized Irishpeople and the socio-economicand politico- cultural situationof Ireland during1930's.InAngela's Ashes, Frank McCourt portrays the bitter and unforgettable history of Irishespecially Northern Irish in Southern Irelandwith various events and moments that he himself experienced, saw andlistened from other Irish people.The confrontation of Ireland with England before the partition of Ireland and the confrontation between Southern Ireland and Northern Ireland after partition make the innocent Irish peoplevictim, homeless, identityless,andlifeless.So,by applyingnew historicismas a methodology, especially the concept of Louis Montrose, Michel Foucault,Stephen Greenblatt as a tool, this research claims thatAngela'sAshesisa contextual document andan alternative history from the perspective of Frank McCourt that reflects the socio-economical and politico-cultural situation before and after 1930s and repressed voice of marginal people, that is, common Irishpeoplein general and common Northern Irishpeoplein particular.