Nepal-China relations on emerging security dynamics (2007-2020 A.D.)

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Faculty of Political Science
Nepal - China relations are very cordial and deep rooted since ages. The relation is based on Panchasheel and non-interference in each other’s domestic affairs. Nepal abolished Monarchy in 2008 and turned into Federal Democratic Republic, since then the engagement of both China and Nepal has gained the intensity. Nepal – China relations have been dominated by varied and complex factors that range from physical and economic to political and cultural components. Nepal constitutes an important element of China’s foreign policy. The overall policy and interests of China towards Nepal are its stability, security, economic and geopolitics. The geo-strategic vulnerability of Nepal, growing military and economic power of China, US’s China containment strategy and India’s concern over Chinese engagement in Nepal are the emerging issues that has security impact in the bilateral relations between Nepal and China. There is comparatively little understanding of how these disciplines relate to the pressing issues of emerging security issues, mistrust and insecurity in the region. This is a new phenomenon that needs in-depth study. Given Nepal's geo-strategic position, ongoing differences between China and India and their widening engagement in Nepal vis-à-vis increased security and security concern, the vital mutual concern of the present-day scenario is bringing Nepal-China relation into new height and maintaining harmonious and progressive relations with the regional and extra regional powers. In this context, the research has focused on (a) to evaluate Nepal-China relation from 2007 to 2020 A.D., (b) to assess the impact of emerging security dynamics in Nepal-China relations focusing on the current regional security environment of South-Asia and (c) to examine Nepal’s foreign policy and security strategy in the present global security context visualizing the importance of two giant neighbors. In order to achieve the research objectives, the dissertation is organized in seven different chapters to include: Introduction, Literature review, Research methodology, Nepal-China relations (2007-2020), Emerging security dynamics and impact on Nepal-China relations in the current regional security environment, Nepal’s foreign policy as well as security strategy and Findings, Summary and Conclusion. This research has used the qualitative approach to analyze the Nepal-China relation and security dynamics. The research designs are descriptive and exploratory. The collected data are of both primary and secondary in nature. This study mainly used political, diplomatic, military and economic variables of DIMEFIL instruments of national power as a framework of analysis. Peace and development are the priority concerns of both Nepal and China. Both share identical views on major issues of global and regional concern. A new aspect of Nepal-China bilateral relations in recent years is increasingly being marked by cooperation in the areas of security as well. In the Republic era Nepal-China relations, there are emerging cross-cutting issues vis-a- vis geopolitical rivalry and the race between standing and aspiring power in the region. China has skepticism towards the growing strategic ties between India and US and perceive that the two nations are working strategically to encircle it. India is increasingly concerned by Chinese growing engagement in South-Asian countries including Nepal. Nepal's significance is increasing regionally as well as globally. Nepal should engage in active and meaningful dialogue with both China and India. India and China have put forward various neighborhood initiatives of their own, including the proposals like BRI and Look East Policy. Nepal has to create space for its neighborhood policy based on the regional strategy of major blocs, powers and neighbors. The strategic location of Nepal itself proves the importance and possibility of trilateral cooperation. Being in a geo-strategic position and given the military rise of China and India, it appears wise on the part of Nepal to maintain a ‘strategic balance and non-alignment’ in its relations with both China India and other extra-regional powers. The fundamental concern for Nepal is to protect and promote its national interest. In order to preserve its long-term security interest, it is necessary for Nepal to understand the sensitivity of China and India as well as other regional and extra regional powers in terms of their security related issues and adopt policies wisely. With the changing dynamics of global power-relations and developments in regional and international spheres; the non-alignment policy of Nepal has to be more constructive. Nepal also should maintain strategic balancing between two neighbors, prioritizing neighborhood first policy based on national interests.