Protagonist’s Failure to be Identified as a Radical Feminist in Han Kang’s The Vegetarian

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Department of English
Generally, this research is based on to show identity crisis of a female in patriarchal society and their revolt against it in Han Kang’s popular novel The Vegetarian. This thesis argues how mostly female of today’s generation subjugated by patriarchal norms and values through characters; Yeong-hye and In-hye. The patriarchal norms and values restrict female from gaining their own identity however, this generation is ready to fight back against unjust. While fighting against patriarchy few of the female in society go overboard sometimes and lost their quest in midway or end up in tragedy. This research also deals with the characters of above mentioned fate. Yeong-hye and In-hye are two sisters who fight against patriarchal ethos and pathos. In-hye left her cheating husband by divorcing him. On the other hand, Yeong-hye claims her identity by turning into vegan. But if we happen to analyze their journey throughout the novel we can find both of them failed in their respective mission somehow.