Multiple Translation of the Story 'Chhimeki'

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Department of English Education
This thesis entitled ‘MULTIPLE TRANSLATION OF THESTORY "CHHIMEKI’ attempts to find out the technique of translation of cultural words. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the techniques of translation of cultural words in the light of their strength and weakness.. It was found that literal translation was the most common and more often used in translating social, religious, material and ecological cultural words. Statistical description helps anecdotal evaluation. Multiple translation provides a basis for translation evaluation. This study has been divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals on the introduction to the study including general background, objectives of the study, review of the related literature, significance of the study,definition of the terms, symbols and abbreviation. Similarly, the second chapter includes methodology discusses sources of data, sampling procedure, process of data collection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter analyses, interprets and presents the data. The collected data was analyzed descriptively using simple statistical tools such as percentage and average. The researcher has tried to find out strengths and weaknesses of the technique of translation and compare statistical description and anecdotal description. The fourth chapter presents the findings and some pedagogical implications drawn by the researcher.