Benefit analysis of Dalla community homestay in Madhuban municipality, Bardia

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Department of Rural Development
This thesis entitled Benefit Analysis of Dalla Community Homestay in Madhuban Municipality, Bardiy has been carried out. This research especially tries to find out the socio-cultural, economic and environmental benefits of homestay in the study area. For this study, 108 respondents including 33 district beneficiaries and 75 indirct beneficiaries were selected by adopting purposive sampling method. The main aim of this study is to explore the socio-economic and cultural impact of homestay tourism in the tharu people. Due to homestay, their consciousness about to preservation of their religions, clothing, ornaments, language, customs and traditions have been radically increased. New generations who were almost forgotten their socio-cultural rituals, they have started to taking training with their elders. In terms of economic benefits, previously Tharu people were used to labour in foreign countries by investing much money, but now, they have returned and invested somehow money in Homestay, which has great benefits for them. Due to Dalla Community Homestay, whole people of this village and surrounding have involved themselves in different types of income generating tasks. Vebetable farming, goat farming, fish farming were the subsidiary sources of their income. Similarly, the consciousness level of preservation of bio-diversity has also been increased on them. They have known about the importance of clean air, water, food and many more which comes directly from environment and tourists also come there in order to see the natural scenario of that place. In the study area 70.37 percent respondents were agreed that environment attracts tourists and cent percent were agreed that good environment keeps environment good. Hence, due to Dalla Community Homestay, Tharu people were socioculturally, economic and environmentally benefitted. In Dalla Community Homestay, business plays a vital role in their community in a sense of socio-cultural development, economic growth and environmental preservation. Every household including women empowerment entrepreneurship including socio-economic status and quality of life found to be good due to its establishment. Similarly, Tharu people were becoming aware of their cultural heritages, its preservation, and development of new local infrastructure. It has contributed to generate more employment opportunities, infrastructure development and eventually contributing to poverty reduction too.