Maternal Health Care practice and Educational Status of Women (A Case Study Of Manpur Vdc, Dang District)

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Department of population studies
The study has been designed to determine "Maternal health care practice andeducational status," Manpur VDC of Dang District. Maternal health is the issue ofhuman rights and women's life security. There are various difficulties for achievingthe goal to enhance the overall development of women's health and other aspects oftheir life.Women yet have to face so many social and cultural exploitation. Within theground reality of culture, economic and social disparities, the study has attempted toidentify the situation of women with aspect to maternal health care practice andeducational status. The study is based on primary data obtained from thefield survey.This study mainly has explored the following information.  In comparison to the national average, the literacy rate of women is foundbetter but the proportion of women completing higher educationissignificant.  Majority of women are engagedin agriculture occupation.  A large proportion of women (76%) in the study area were married before theage of 20 years.  A large proportion of women (65%) of the study area had taken antenatal careservice,on the other hand, delivery and postnatal care are also better. This study is a symbol of improvement over the past situation, though it is notcompared with the past events. There are various significant improvements in the pastand the trend is positive, which leads to better situation, but there are many gaps anddifficulties to overcome. For example, the main aspects of the study inmaternalhealth care practice is obviously low and poor whichshouldbe strengthened withnecessary facilities.In conclusion, it can be stated that higher status of maternity careis the result of better social, economic, cultural and political settings. All of thementioned factors should play an optimum role honestly in order to strength thematernal health service.