Attitudes of Teachers Towards Teaching Poetry at Secondary Level

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Department of English Education
This study was on Attitudes of Teachers towards Teaching Poetry at Secondary Level. Main purpose of the present study was to find out attitudes of teachers towards teaching poetry at secondary level. The researcher selected the government aided and private schools of Surkhet district. The total sample of this study consisted of 30 secondary level English teachers who were chosen using purposive non-random procedure. It was a survey research. The tool Iused was questionnaire. The data collected from the teachers was analyzed and interpreted to find out the attitudes of teachers towards teaching poetry at secondary level.By this study, it was found that teaching poetry is essential and very effective to teach the language. The teachers told that teaching poetry helps teachers to teach the language effectively and poems are authentic valuable reading materials.It was also found that teaching poetry helps to develop students’ creative, reasoning, evaluating, appreciating and interpretive skill. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter includes the genera lbackground, statement of the problem, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of related literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with methods and procedures of the study adopted during the research study, population and sample, sampling procedure,data collection tools, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals withanalys is and interpretation of results. The fifth chapter deals with conclusion and recommendations. In the final part of this thes is references and appendix are included.