Teaching Reading Comprehension by Trained and Untrained Teachers

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Department of English Education
In the present study entitled 'Techniques of Teaching Reading Comprehension by Trained and Untrained Teachers', I have attempted to find out the techniques used by trained and untrained teachers to teach reading comprehension in grade seven. This study was carried out using both primary and secondary sources of data. For primary data, I took the sample of ten trained and ten untrained teachers teaching in grade seven. The teachers were from ten schools of Chitwan district. Two types of tools were used for data collection: in-depth observation forms and observation checklist forms. Eighty classes of the English teachers were observed. Then, the data were tabulated and compared. On the completion of all procedures, I came to conclude that trained teachers are rather student-centered and skill oriented whereas untrained teachers are teacher-centered and knowledge oriented. The study consists of four usual chapters. The first chapter deals with general background, importance of reading, review of the related literature, objectives of the study, significance of the study and definitions of the specific terms. Chapter two describes the methodology applied to carry out this research. Similarly, the third Chapter consists of the analysis and interpretation of the techniques used by trained and untrained teachers to teach reading under different headings and sub-headings. The last chapter presents the findings derived from the analysis and interpretation of data. It also consists of recommendations to teach reading skill in English. Finally, the references and appendices are also included.