Redefining the Conflict between Religion and Science in Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons

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Department of English
The conflict between science and religion has been focus point in most of the literary writing in contemporary times. Dan Brown’s Angels and Demonsrevolve around the same issues of religion and science. It tries to bring the conflict into the new level.It does not totally reject the conflict that exists between religion and science rather it tries to show the conflict as a part of historical process. In every historical process there is the exercise of power by those who hold the power in the society and while exercising power there is certainly some conflict which always pave the way for the new possibility. So the conflict between religion and science is nothing more than the demand of new possibility where science can purify religion from conservativeness and religion can purify science from its false absoluteness. And Brown presenting the characters like Leonardo Vetra, who being the scientist tries to prove the Biblical account of the universe and Late Pope, who being a pope of Vatican city admires the progress of the science and birth of a test tube baby tries to indicate towards the same possibility.