Person deixis in English and Gurung language

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled ‘Person deixis in English and Gurung language’ was a modest attempt made to identify and compare the person Deixis in English and Gurung languages. For this study, I took sample consisting of 40 Gurung speakers of Chhoprak VDC of Gorkha district. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The interview was conducted to attend required information which served as primary data. However, the secondary sources were also used for collecting data for person deixis. On the basis of analysis and interpretation, I came to the conclusion that Gurung and English languages do not have separate deictical expression to indicate honorific and non- honorific style. Both languages have two kinds of number, singular and plural. Similarly, both languages have separate marker for subjective, objective and genitive cases. Likewise, Gurung first person deictic pronouns are influenced by the tense system but the case is different in English. Similarly, English has separate third person pronouns for male and female whereas Gurung has no separate pronouns for these genders. The study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is an introducing one. It includes background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions or hypothesis, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definitions of the key terms. Chapter two deals with review of related theoretical literature, review of the empirical literature, implications of the review for the study and conceptual framework. Chapter three includes methods and procedures of the study. Chapter four presents the results and discussion. In this section both statistical as well as descriptive approaches are used. Chapter five incorporates summary, conclusion and implications of the study. The references and appendices form the concluding part of thesis.