Techniques of Teaching Short Stories at the Secondary Level

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Faculty of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
This thesis entitled “Techniques of Teaching Short Stories at the Secondary Level” has been carried out to find out the techniques used in teaching short stories by English teachers at secondary level. To fulfil the set objectives of the study, the researcher has chosen the case study design. I had analysed the data on the basis of activities recorded/noted from the class observation. For this study I used judgmental non-random sampling procedure to select two secondary level English teachers from two schools of Pyuthan district. I observed 30 classes (15 classes of each teacher) of those purposively selected secondary level (class ten). I used diary writing as well as ticked on the observation checklist. After analysing the data it was found that teachers used the student centred teaching techniques i.e. interaction technique, discussion technique, problem solving technique and question answer technique. This thesis consists of five chapters: The first chapter is introductory in nature. It introduces the topic in general. It also includes, background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter deals with the review of related theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of review of the study and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study, design of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area/field, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedure. The fourth chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of results and summary of findings and the last chapter deals with conclusions, recommendations in policy related, practice related and further research related followed by references and appendices