Classroom activities for teaching speaking skills

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Department of English Educaion
The present research work entitled Classroom Activities for Teaching Speaking Skills was an attempt to find out the teachers practice of teaching speaking in secondary level. The aims of this study were to find out the classroom activities for teaching speaking skills at secondary level and to explore the challenges in implementing those activities. I adopted quantitative research approach and carried out under survey research design. The sample consisted of ten English teachers and thirty students of different secondary level schools of Kapilvastu district. The sampling procedure was non-random sampling strategy; under this I adopted convenience sampling procedure. I applied a set of questionnaire containing both closed ended and open-ended questions and classroom observation checklist as tools for data collection. The major findings of this study showed that the teacher used various speaking strategies like gestures, facial expression, eye contact, simulation, picture narratin, language games, drills method and presentation. Finally, this study showed the various different techniques are used between the community based and institutional schools. I saw some challenges in order to implementing these techniques to develop speaking skills among learners. Firstly, while conducting the class I found the students who came from different social background, economic status, multilingual and multicultural societies. And they had their own interests and pace of learning. So, in this regard it is not an easy job for the teachers to teach speaking skills effectively. This study consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter presents the review of the related literature and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter deals with collection of tools and techniques, data collection procedures and data analysis and interpretation procedures. Likewise, the fourth chapter presents the systematically collected data which have been analyzed and interpreted descriptively and analytically. The fifth chapter also presents major findings and summary of the study on the basis of analysis and interpretation. Conclusion, recommendations are the final, that is, fifth chapter which is also followed by the references and appendices.