Male Involvement Inutilization of Family planning Services (A Case Study of Baireni Vdc in Dhading)

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Department of Populations Studies
This study entitled“Male Involvement inUtilization of FamilyPlanningServices:A CaseStudy of Baireni VDC in Dhading”wasa descriptive type of study.In thisstudy, it was tried to reveal theutilizationandpractice offamily planning services inBaireni and reasons for non use offamily planningservices.Thisstudywasbasicallybased on primary data collected from 100 sampled households of Baireni VDC ofDhading.The respondents for this study were currently married men of reproductiveage of Baireni VDC. Univariate, bivariate analysis, rates and ratios and crosstabulation have been employed to evaluatemale involvement inutilization offamilyplanning services.During the research it wasfound that the knowledge of at leastonemethod of family planning is below (85 percent) than the national average whereoverall CPR was found tobe34 percent. It was found that a curve linear relationexists between current use of family planning methods and demographic variableslike ageofwomen, numberof living children and number of living sons.There existsapositive relationship between current use of family planning and socio-economicvariables like education ofwomen, occupationofmen, husband/wife communicationand desire for sonwas themost powerful reason for not using any family planningmethods i.e. followed by thewant of more children, and no having sex due toabsence of husband.