From Look East to Act East: India's Foreign Policy Shift

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Department Of International Relation & Diplomacy
Foreign Policy plays a vital role in international relations. And diplomacy is a tool to carry out the established foreign policy of a country. India, as an emerging country in the global sphere, has shifted its foreign policy from Look East to Act East towards its eastern region. It is simply targeted towards its friendly countries in South East Asia especially ASEAN which earlier was intended to have economic engagement. The rising role of India in regional as well as in global sphere has its value when it shifted its foreign policy. India is particularly interested to be more engaged with South East Asian countries and other countries in the Indian Ocean Region and in Asia-Pacific region. This study is based upon trying to find the areas of engagements from the Indian side in terms of Act East Policy in economic, cultural, diplomatic and strategic front. The crux of increased Indian engagement with ASEAN as a whole and member states in particular and with countries in IOR and Asia-Pacific is in the intent to maintain cordial relations with the stakeholders of maritime trade through IOR which India finds its in own backyard. India, further, cautious about Chinese assertive nature and subsequent influences in India's neighbours by which India feels threatened and the need for deeper engagement and alliances is felt by the Indian establishment. As going through various literature available, India has made several attempts under AEP so as to project itself in greater posture in regional as well as the global sphere. Despite the increased engagement in economic, cultural, diplomatic and strategic front, Chinese presence in the ASEAN region is not in the level to be balanced soon. Indian trade with ASEAN as well as with China comes under huge deficit. On the contrary, China has a favourable position in trade with both ASEAN and India. Chinese diplomatic dealings with ASEAN have placed to deal with Indian intent of aligning with countries that have some sort of tussle with China. The fragmented ASEAN mentality has made less probable regarding Indian intent of maneuvering in issues like the South China Sea by advocating peaceful settlement of issues is by and large common understanding between ASEAN and China. This reveals Indian efforts are remarkable and visible on the one hand and on the other it needs to make some more efforts by engaging more with its like-minded countries like Vietnam, Singapore in strategic as well as the economic front. In short, India has been in the track of progress in connectivity with ASEAN countries, engaging cultural and commerce as the heart of AEP. But no approach and engagement are ultimate. Therefore, continuous efforts of engagements, covering its promises in time with quality and friendly relation with other major stakeholders of the region particularly Japan, Korea, the US and with China as well is important to maintain peace and security in the region. The result shows that Indian efforts are counted as a positive step under AEP vis-à-vis its earlier version of LEP. And the analysis and thereby conclusion is made that Indian presence in ASEAN and the region is increased and this has made India a major player in the regional architecture by which peace and stability can be maintained. ASEAN also wants India to take a greater role so that there is proper balance and stability.