An Analysis of the Vocabulary Used in the English Textbook for Grade Six

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled“An Analysis oftheVocabulary used in theEnglish Textbook for Grade Six”is an attempt to analyze thevocabulary items used in the textbook for grade six in terms of the totalnumber, parts of speech, phonological structure and morphologicalstructure. The data of thisstudy includes all the vocabulary items used inthe English textbook for grade six, published by ‘Government of Nepal’Ministry of Education, Curriculum Development Centre, written byNaresh Prasad Gautam et al.It was found that 1593 different vocabularyitems belonging to different parts of speech were used in the textbook.Out of them, the highest number of vocabulary items was nouns and theleast ones articles. This study is divided into four chapters. Chapter one deals with theintroduction intermsof the general background, review of the relatedliterature, objectives of the study and definition of the terms.The secondchapter deals with the methodology adopted for the study under whichthe sources of data, process of data collection and limitationof the studyare presented. Chapter three deals with the analysis and interpretation ofthe data. Mainly descriptive and analytical approaches have been used forthe purpose. Chapter four discusses the major findings andrecommendations of the study.Finally,this chapter is followed byreferences and appendices.