Racial Injustice in Olaudah Equiano's The Life of Olaudah Equiano

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Department of English
Olaudah Equiqno’sThe Life of Olaudah Equianoreveals that racial injustice, domination, discrimination,oppression, and violence inflicted upon the blacks by the whites in racist societies of African Continents, America, and Europe in 18 century. This autobiography exposes the whites’ supremacist racial ideology, that is enacted in social and cultural practices through different organizations, agencies, institutions like church, court, law, institutions, media, police and army, market and othersthat serve to the ruling racial group.Despite their resistance and protest the blacks being gripped with the racial ideology fail to avoid racial imposition and injustice of the whites, but Equiano in individual level succeeds in his resistance because he understands the subject position and material conditions.