The mid-term report for our project titled ”Agro-Tech” provides an update on our progress and outlines the remaining tasks. Our platform aims to connect retailers and farmers for the efficient buying and selling of vegetables, with a focus on reducing post-harvest loss and ensuring food safety and freshness.We have made significant strides in developing the platform, including creating a user-friendly interface for retailers and farmers, and establishing partnerships with local farmers. We have also conducted market research and identified key areas for improvement, such as increasing the variety of vegetables available and expanding our reach to more retailers and farmers.Moving forward, we plan to focus on increasing the number of farmers on our platform and improving the logistical system for transporting vegetables from the farm to the retailer. We will also continue to prioritize food safety and freshness through the use of cooling infrastructure and adherence to global logistical standards. Overall, we are confident that our project has the potential to make a positive impact on the agro-based industry in Nepal, contributing to the overall development of the economy, reducing poverty and unemployment, and promoting equality
The mid-term report for our project titled ”Agro-Tech” provides an update on our progress and outlines the remaining tasks. Our platform aims to connect retailers and farmers for the efficient buying and selling of vegetables, with a focus on reducing post-harvest loss and ensuring food safety and freshness.