Teachers' Perceptionon Total Physical Response (TPR) in Enhancing Vocabulary

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Department of English Education
This study entitled,Teachers' Perception on Total Physical Response in Enhancing Vocabulary, aimed at finding out the teachers' perception on TPRinenhancing vocabulary in lower secondary.The design of the research is survey. In order to obtain the data for the study, questionnaire and checklist were used. The research included both primary and secondary sources of data. As the primary source of data, 30 teachers from the 15 private lower secondary schools of Banke district were selected using purposive non-random sampling procedures. After analyzing and interpreting the data,it has been found that the teachers' perceptions on TPR in enhancing vocabulary is positive and encouraging.Many of the respondents agreed that they used TPR most by which they are satisfied .They opined that it is one of the best methods, which is easy, funny, memorable, interesting and comprehensive to teach/learn vocabulary by seeing and doing actions for teachers and students.As the students in lower secondary are playful who cannot concentrate and understand the words what the teachers teach easily. However, TPR helps them to under stand attentively and achieve fluency faster, permanently and stresslessly.Similarly,majority ofthe respondents agreed to the TPR techniques, vocabulary techniqueshelpful in teaching vocabulary and language items to be taught using TPR. The study comprises five chapters. The first chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, statement of the problem, delimitations of the study, and operational definition of the key terms.The second chapter includes the review of the theoretical literature, empirical literature, conceptual framework and implications of the reviewed literature.In the same way, the third chapter includes research design, population, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, sources of data, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures, and ethical considerations of the study.Similarly, the fourth chapter consists of analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the respondents.The fifth chapter includes findings, conclusion and recommendations of ix the study. Likewise, recommendations have been forwarded.At last, the references and appendices have been included.