Narrativization of Gender Trauma in Taslima Nasrin’s My Girlhood

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Central Department of English
The present research work discusses gender trauma in Nasrin’s autobiographyMyGirlhood. Nasrin critically illustrates problems and issues of sexual violence which leads the author to the traumatic experiences. We can find the author’s ceaseless efforts to find her true self beyond patriarchy, religions and belief set by people. When the book was first published in the Bengali language in 1998, it led to controversy. Due to the controversy, this book was banned in Bangladesh. The autobiography offers forbidden glimpses of the veiled life of the Muslim women. Being a subordinate lady in the tyranny of Islamic patriarchy Nasrin is traumatized. Trauma victim can cope with trauma in two ways; one is acting out and another is working through. Narrativization always comes under the working through process. Therefore through narrativization author tries to unveil the root of sexual violence upon women in an Islamic society. This autobiography is the means of scripto therapy for the author, which helps to reduce her trauma and resistance against male attitudes. Key Words: Trauma, sexual violence, patriarchy, gender, religion