Roles of Men in Reproductive Health of Women (A Case Study of Tamang Community of Nasika Vdc, Kavrepalanchowk)

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Department of Population Studies
This study entitled "Roles of men in Reproductive Health of Women” in Nasika VDC, Kavrepalanchowk District was carried out in order to assess the role of men in various domains i.e. family planning, maternal health, infertility and knowledge in STDs and HIV/AIDS of Tamangs. The primary data are collected from a month long field operation where 120 ever married Tamang,women age 15-59 years (23.86%) were selected through systematic random sampling procedure. In which,503 ever married Tamang men aged 15-59 were taken asuniverse population. Nearly equal distribution of the respondents is in the nuclear and joint family system. About 55percent respondents are literate among them 10 percent only have completed S.L.C.,and above level ofeducation. Agriculture is found as a major occupation of the respondents followed by 55 percent. Though all the respondents have heard about the FP but male participation is low. Only 56.10 percentof the respondents interact about using contraception between spouses. About 45 percent of the respondentshave adopted early marriage whereas respondents’ partners are three-fourth. About 5 percent respondents’wives give their first birth at below 15 years and majority of the mothers has 3-5 children. About 40 percentwomen deliver in absence of health workers. Only 62 percent of the respondents care during pregnancy and75 percent of their partners visit for ANC & 57 percent do not support for PNC. About 67 percent of the respondents have heard about infertility among them 63 percent believethat it means unable to bear any children. Most of the respondents say that infertility is due tobiological/physiological factors and 2.5 percent say it is due to divine power. Very few respondents say it cannot be treated and say to attemptto marry next. Nearly all respondents have knowledge on STDs & HIV/AIDS.About 75 percent of the respondents said that they would inform to their partners if they were suffered fromSTDs & HIV/AIDS. Almost all of the respondents supported RH education is essential. Highest percent of the respondents agree that all background people need RH education.