Problems Faced by Female Mathematics Teachers at Basic Level

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Faculty Mathematics Education
Mathematics is essential in many fields including natural science, engineering Medicine, finance and the social science .it is a way of thinking, a way of organizing a logical proof. Since ancient time, Mathematics has been a very useful tool for disciplines other than itself. The study was carried out to study of the problem faced by basic level female mathematics teachers in teaching mathematics. The purpose of the study was to identify the problems being faced by female mathematics teachers at basic level in Kaski District and to compare these problems in Rural and Urban areas. This study was survey type, analytic descriptive and comparative in nature. The population for this study was all female mathematics teachers who teach mathematics at basic level of Kaski District. 14 female teachers were chosen from the population as a purposive sampling. In which 7 were from Urban and 7 were from the school of Rural areas in the district. Among them fourteen teachers were untrained. For the analysis of data statistical tools like mean weightage were used. While comparing those problems between Urban female teachers and Rural female teachers. One instrument was used for data collection, a questionnaire for the teachers. The sample were drawn exclusively from the teachers of Kaski district of the basic schools. The schools included only government schools. The questionnaire consist of forty statements related to the problems faced by basic level mathematics teachers. The questionnaire were personally given to the teachers of this schools to fill it. Analysis of data was carried out on the responses received on the questionnaire from the teacher were organized, tabulated and interpreted. For the analysis of data, weightage of 5, 4 ,3,2,1 was assigned a statements and which means Agree, Strongly agree , Disagree , strongly disagree, Undecided respectively. The obtained data were analyzed and interpreted with the help of mean weightage. Mean weightage = total rank score of statements Number of teachers It was found that there is a significant different between the problems faced by urban and rural female teachers. It was found that there were so many problems faced by female teachers. There is different in the pattern of the problems faced by Rural teachers and Urban teachers.
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