Potency of ICT in Teaching and Learning Geometry at Grade Nine

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Department of Mathematics education
This is the study entitled " The Potency of ICT in teaching geometry at grade nine " has been carried out to find the effect of student's perception about ICT. Researcher selected concessive sampling and selected two schools of Lalitpur district. This research has conducted by using quantitative method focused for experimental research design. The use of ICT in pedagogical process is growing liability of gadgets. As a result, educations see the urgent need for integrating technology in student's mathematical activities. The sample of the study was 48, grade nine students (36 students in experimental and 12 students in control group) from two public secondary schools of Lalitpur district. After three weeks of regular experiment, researcher collected data from achievement test and a set of questionnaires based on five point Likert scale. For accomplishing this purpose pretest, posttest and non equivalent experimental method was used. The quantitative analysis was carried out by using independent samples ttest, the measure of effect Cohen’s d and the result was calculated by using IBM SPSS 21.0 version. The results indicated that ICT based teaching had a significant effect on student’s achievement in geometry compare to traditional teaching method. Result of this research showed that the students in the experimental groups performed better when using ICT than the control group with traditional teaching method. Finding of this study showed a significant difference existed in the mean scores between these two groups. The result indicated that students in the experimental group out performed those in the control group. Furthermore, effective use of ICT makes basic concept easier, enjoyable and interesting. Result show student has positive attitude about ICT. Analysis of the questionnaire responses indicated positive overall perception about ICT in learning geometry. Finally it is concluded that ICT is the effective tool in teaching geometry in our context.
Teaching Geometry, Information Communication Technology