Impact Analysis of Village Tourism: A Case From Gotikhel Village of Southern Lalitpur

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Central Department of Rural Development
The thesis work entitled ““Impact Analysis of Village Tourism: A Case From GotikhelVillage of Southern Lalitpur”" has three objectives such as study the status of village tourism, studythe socio-economic impact of tourism among the local people, and examine the problems of villagetourism. Data are taken from primary source as survey, observation, questionnaire, interview andother source is secondary source as published and unpublished documents books etc. For research50 household were selected and taken interview. Households survey, observation, interview etc. Conduct for collecting data. The collecteddata were edited, coded, classified and tabulatedfor data organization. The quantitative data havebeen presented in tabular form and suitable statistical tools like percentage, ratio, etc. has beenadopted for data analysis. Pie-chart, bar diagram has been presented to make figure attractive. Thequantitative data have been interpreted and analyzed in descriptive way based on their numericalcharacteristics. In this study it is finding that Gotikhel has Preservation of cultural values., Religiousarea, Gotikhel is quite ahead in education, health, andcommunity development, Gotikheloffers homely environment to the visitors and Infrastructure like schools, health post, roadnetwork and communication facilities are well managed in Gotikhel and Gotikhel has morepossibilities of tourism. The some recommendations of study are: The awareness of the importance oftourism should be flourished in rural areas of Nepal like Gotikhel by providing the effectivetrainings and seminars. Along with these, the use of mass communication can be worth increating awareness. Awareness about importance of tourism gives rise to the quality tourismdevelopment and help in the sustainable development of the areas; Infrastructure for thetourism can be developed by providing loan to the local people with minimum interest fromgovernment and other associated agencies. Apart from that, tourist information center shouldbe established in the major places of the route, Local people should involve in Tourism Co-operative in Gotikhel.