Satisfaction of GBV Survivors from OCMC Services in District Hospital, Hetauda, Makawanpur

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Department of Sociology
Everyday there is a gender based violence case published and heard on online news outlets, newspaper and many social media in Nepal.These GBV cases have many forms related to age, caste, ethnicity, sex, religion, culture, economic condition, social and political status. The present OCMCs run under the direct supervision office of Prime Minister of Nepal and other 6 Ministries. The MoHP is the implementing body ofOCMCs. OCMC Hetauda provides 7 different services such as health services,psycho-social counseling,security, safe homes, legal advice, rehabilitation and information, education and empowerment.The present study will be focused on Satisfaction of GBVSurvivors from Services provided byOCMC Hetauda,Makawanpur, Nepal. The researcher has donevarious literature review.Snowball technique has been used forsample data collection. The respondentGBV survivorswere contacted with the help ofOCMC Hetaudafor this study. A total of 45 structured questionnaires were distribute damong the GBV survivors while only 39 had responded back. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been adopted for the data analysis and validatedusingtriangulation method.The collected data were coded, edited,compiledand tabulated. Analysis were doneusing Excel and SPSS.For the quantitative analysis,Likert scale of 1-5range has been used to compute thepercentage satisfaction level of GBV survivors.Open ended questions were used for the qualitative analysis while institutional capacity were observedto assessimplementation program of OCMC usingtriangulation analysis. The analysis showed that there was negative correlation of moderate degree (-0.492)between age and GVB survivors. Satisfaction rate based on 39 respondents was found tobe 88.15%.The overall satisfaction based on 7 services was found to be very satisfied55.9%, satisfied 40.82%, do not know 3.28% and zero in case of dissatisfied and very dissatisfied respectively. GVB survivors had expressed their happiness and high satisfaction level by the services provided by OCMC Hetauda. This OCMC Hetauda hadrequiredresources such asmanpower, infrastructure, logisticsandsmallbudget to delivertherequiredservicessatisfactorily. Coordination among the stakeholders were found excellent due to strong network.This study was mainly focused on satisfaction level ofGBV survivors at OCMC Hetaudaonly.A comparative study of satisfaction level can be done using GBV survivors data from 2 or more OCMCs.