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    Effectiveness of service delivery at local level with reference to Kirtipur Municipality
    (Department of Public Administration, 2023) Parajuli, Ajay Krishna
    It is clear that globalization has brought significant changes to government mechanisms. The role of government has become more complex and diversified today. Governmental plans and policies are the instruments of the service delivery. The public service achieves this function by converting government plans and policies into action. Local-level offices are the subunits of the central government and help with the plans and programs developed and initiated by the central government. Thus, there is a need to analyse the various ways of delivering services and the determinants of effective service delivery at the local level. This study, entitled “Effectiveness of Service Delivery at the Local Level, with Reference to Kirtipur Municipality", examines the determinants of effective service delivery. The study analysed the service delivery system, various determinants of effective service delivery and the different service delivery models. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods for its research methodology. The main achievement of the study is to explore new knowledge and ideas regarding service delivery in the context of federalism from present perspectives. The effectiveness of the service delivery at the local level was measured by using the different components such as accessibility, adequacy, responsiveness, competencies, reliability, awareness, communication and attitudes, and the findings revealed that people’s participation, public information, proper communication between service receivers and service providers, knowledge of service providers on ICT and attitudes and behavior of service providers of the local bodies make significant change in service delivery. This result shows the effectiveness of service delivery at the local level.
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    The role of social security benefits to motivate the Nepalese civil servants
    (Department of Public Administration, 2013) Paudel, Dilip Raj
    Civil service is the permanent implementation arm of the government and one of the most important pillars of governance machinery which is conducted on the basis of legal rational authority by the officials selected on the basis of merit system. The quality of public service delivery relies, to the greater extent, upon the competency, efficiency and capability of civil service for which civil servants with high motivation and morale are the cornerstone. Therefore, several provisions-monetary and non-monetary- contribute in the maintaining and enhancing the motivation of civil servants are adopted in various laws and bylaws. One of such provisions is the Social Security Benefits (SSB) and the availability of SSB to the civil servants. They have been widely accepted as the major factor of motivation. The evolution of SSB is the result of the emergence of welfare state. It is said that Nepalese civil servants are lacking the high motivation. In this context it is worth studying to see the degree of the relationship between the SSB and level of motivation of civil servant at present. Though various facilities in terms of SSB have been insured by Civil Service Act and other rules, however, only four aspects namely sickness benefits, maternity benefits, provident fund benefits, pension benefits have been considered for this study. This study shows that the provisions and availability of SSB plays positive role in order to motivate civil servants, ensure social justice and protect fundamental rights resulting in the better result. SSB is important for civil servants during and after their service periods for better standard of life and to ensure commitment towards their job. But in our context, the present provisions are not sufficient to do so thereby indicating the need of further enhancement of such provisions in terms of quality and quantity. Nevertheless, different benefit’s role to motivate civil servants is not the same. They have varying degree of impact. This study has not only been successful in highlighting the effectiveness of overall civil service organizations and quality public service delivery but also has unlock new areas for further investigation on the importance of SSB to motivate the civil servants.
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    The status of press freedom policy after comprehensive peace accord 2006 in Nepal
    (Department of Public Administration, 2016) Rajbhandari, Meera
    Press is the fourth Estate of the nation. In Nepalese political history the press has played a vital role to facilitate the peace building process through the news to views. In whatever situation, the critical stage of under direct rule of king, in critical situation of cease fire or post conflict era, the press has devoted to address and advocate to both armed group - the Maoist and government to be rational and serious on peace process. In spite of facilitating role of press, to assure peace process, the government and the political parties including Maoists, could not respect and guaranteed the press freedom. Mostly the political parties have been failed to be dedicated and responsible for Comprehensive peace accord 2006 and protecting amendment of free press. Due to those cause, it have been created the hazardous challenges for the government and press to sustain the conclusion of peace process.
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    Impact of microfinance programme on women empowerment (A case study of Laxmi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd, Palpa District)
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Khati, Keshab
    This study examined the Impact of Microfinance Programme on Women Empowerment: (A Case Study of Laxmi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. Palpa District). Microfinance is not simply banking for the poor; it is a development approach with a social mission and a private sector-based financial bottom line that uses tested and continually adjusted sets of principles, practices and technologies. The key to successful microfinance lies in the ability of the provider to cost-effectively reach a critical mass of clients with systems of delivery, market responsiveness, risk management and control that can generate a profit to the institution. Typically, this profit is ploughed back to ensure the long-term survival of the institution, i.e. the continuous provision of services demanded by its clients. The two long-term goals of microfinance are thus substantial outreach and sustainability. This thesis examines the effects of women’s participation in group-based micro-credit programs on a large set of qualitative responses to questions that characterize women’s autonomy and gender relations within the household. The results are consistent with the view that women’s participation in micro-credit programs helps to increase women’s empowerment. Credit program participation leads to women taking a greater role in household decision-making, having greater access to financial and economic resources, having greater social networks, having greater bargaining power compared with their husbands, and having greater freedom of mobility. Female credit also tended to increase spousal communication in general about family planning and parenting concerns. Ecologically, the higher impact on women’s empowerment was noticed in hill.
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    Audit policy implementation in Nepal
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Acharya, Trilochan
    Not available
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    Compliance of devolution in local bodies (A study of Parsa District, Nepal)
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Bhusal, Tara Prasad
    This Thesis entitled „Compliance of devolution in Local Bodies‟ is conducted in Parsa District of Nepal.The main objective of this study is to explore the compliance of devolution in local bodies in actual practice as mentioned in LSGAACT 1999. Decentralization follows transfer of power and responsibility from center to region, sub-national and local levels. Local self-governance is the means of autonomy through decentralization. Principle of subsidiarity is the fundamental philosophy of it. Since 1960s, Nepal is practicing decentralization in different ways up to now. This is made due to gap between theory and practice. Whatever we have different legal and policy structure to apply the decentralization, the application of it among different form like devolution is also not practiced in real field as mentioned in LSGA ACT 1999. So, researcher has triedto explore the basic cause about it. This study is based on the primary and secondary sources of information. Information was collected through qualitative tools. The questionnaire was used and check list (Focus Group Discussion) was used as a qualitative tool. Seven samples were taken randomly as sample size and the respondents were DDC officials, NGOs, INGOs, CBOs representatives and parliament members. This study has been prepared in 5 different chapters. This study has focused on the hypothesis testing in the variable of political initiation, bureaucratic commitment, monitoring institution, financial resource availability and creating local environment. The result of the study shows except financial resource availability and creating local environment, other variables reflect the result that more than 70 percent compliance of devolution in local bodies even though not hundred percent. Due to various factors, the application of devolution is affected in real field. The financial resource availability variablehas been shown more than sixty percent resource scarcity. This does not show compliance as we expected in policy. Local environment is also hampering in local level activities day to day. The result of this variable shows fifty percent non-compliance in field level during research findings. So, it can be concluded that due to political weakwillingness to devolve the power, low proactive commitment of bureaucrat, weak and ineffective monitoring system, scar of financial resources as need in local demand and less supporting local environment for policy implementation are the major reasons not to fully compliance of devolution as in policy. Among them political initiation and other variables are the most important factor to increase the compliance of devolution in the local bodies of Parsa District.
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    Perceptions and practices of professional development of community school teachers
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Gautam, Tanka Ram
    Professional development is a deliberate process, guided by a clear vision. It is a consciously designed to bring about positive change and improvement. The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the professional development activities provided for teachers and the change of teachers’ perceptions and practices. The theoretical framework based upon Guskey’s (2000) model of teacher change and evaluating professional development. According to this model, significant change in teachers’ perceptions and practices occurs primarily after they gain evidences of improvements in students learning achievements. They rarely become committed to a new instructional approach until they have seen it (new instructional approach) work in their classrooms with their students. Quantitative research methodology was used to conduct an evaluation of perceptions and practices of professional development activities in community school of Kathmandu district. The researcher developed a set of survey questionnaire on the basis of five point likert scale around the five critical levels of Guskey’s model and literature. Only one hundred five teachers 52.5 % (out of 200 target sample) could be included in this study. This study found that seventy five percent of teachers were aware of their professional goals and plan. They believed that their professional development experiences had the impact on their student learning achievements. One of the major findings of this study was the strong correlation between teachers’ implementation of new knowledge and skills in the classroom practices and impact on student learning achievements. At the same time, there was low correlation between organizational support and the change in teachers’ attitudes and beliefs. The result of the study supported the Guskey Model and research literature indicating that there was the significant relationship between the professional development activities provided for teachers and the change of teachers’ perceptions and practices. Key Terms: Professional Development, Perceptions and Practices, Guskey Evaluation Model, Community School, Significant relationship
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    Customer satisfaction with global system of mobile service quality (A case study of Nepal Telecom)
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Acharya, Binod
    Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that an organizations must understand if they are to grow business and revenues as well to remain competitive in the business environment. It is very important for companies to know how to measure these constructs from the customers’ perspective so as to understand their needs and satisfy them. Service quality is considered to be very critical to any modern business because it contributes higher customer satisfaction, profitability, reduced cost, improved customer loyalty and retention. The main purpose of this study is to assess customer satisfaction and service quality using SERVQUAL model with GSM Service of Nepal Telecom and its working environment. Other purposes include how customers perceive service quality; identify service quality dimensions that contribute to higher satisfaction, factors affecting customer satisfaction and measures to be taken to improve the level of customer satisfaction and GSM service quality of Nepal Telecom in the competitive industrial environment. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to respondents using a convenience as well as purposive sampling technique to GSM service customers of Nepal Telecom available in the different places of Kathmandu valley. The analysis done resulted that, the overall service quality perceived by customers was weak. Low level of perception regarding service quality means customers’ expectations exceeded perceptions. Among six major determining factors of GSM service quality for customer satisfaction as customer care service, service promotion information, network coverage, signal strength, tariff and availability of recharge cards or means of payment, the analysis of the respondents’ opinion revealed that Nepal Telecom’s performance was very weak in customer care and service promotion information followed by tariff, network coverage and network strength. As far as theory is concerned findings reveals that all the five dimensions and 22 items of SERVQUAL model resulted with negative gap scores in measuring service quality of GSM service quality. This study contributes to the already existing studies examining service quality in telecommunication companies using SERVQUAL model. It also provides empirical results that guide Nepal Telecom and other telecom companies on the corrective measures to enhance service quality and customer satisfaction as well as significant growth in business and revenues.
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    Impact of corporate governance in profitability of Nepalese banks
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Bhattarai, Jeevan
    Not available
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    Performance of Nepal Airlines Corporation
    (Department of Public Administration, 2016) Panthi, Rishikesh
    Not available
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    NGO sustainability in Nepal
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Pokharel, Prakash Prasad
    Sustainability, Non-Government Organizations, Partnership, Governance & Leadership Building, Community Engagement, Social Enterprising, Development.
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    Public-private partnership in solid waste management: A case study of Lalitpur Metropolitan City
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Rai, Lok Bahadur
    Available with full text
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    A study of community participation in solid waste management in Kathmandu Metropolitan City
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Dahal, Indra Prasad
    Solid waste management in Nepal has been one of the important and seriously discussed topics. Kathmandu Metropolitan City is unable to handle the solid waste by itself. So, community participation is being encouraged to manage the waste. In this way, my study will focus on community participation in solid waste management in Kathmandu. There are varieties of study areas for my research, Old Newar settlement (Ashan and Jyatha),Thamel (Tourism area), and Samakhuhsi Town Planning (ward no:-29 out of 38 wards of Kathmandu Metropolitan City.) Waste management in those areas has been managed through Ngos and Private sectors, communities, and Metropolitan Authority. Household questionnaire and interviews will be used as the research tools and a total of 48respondents and 11 key respondents (2/2 senior employees ) from community organizations including 3 staffs from environment department of Kathmandu Metropolitan City respondents interviewed around the study areas. The study will use both qualitative and quantitative approach to analyze the information. It is believed that about 75% of the total waste generated in Kathmandu is of organic type which can be composted. The main aim of Solid Waste Management Practice is seen in all these settlements to segregate waste at source. All the communities have different approaches which the people follow in segregating waste. In all the settlements bins are provided. At Ashan and Local NewarSettlement area has a central collection system but the community members are asked to segregate waste. In Thamel too, it is a similar case but a private company is involved (directly) in managing waste. In Samakhushi Town Planning area, people are encouraged to manage waste in individual level in their own household. This Study will try to depict the status of solid waste management practices as well as the status of community participation community members in other activities such as recycling-reuse, disposal of waste, decision making within entire ward no 29 out of 38 wards of Kathmandu Metropolitan City.  
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    Tourism and disaster resilience in Nepal: A study of Bhotekoshi riverside of Sindhupalchok
    (Department of Public Administration, 2017) Subedi, Netra Prasad
    This study tries to find out the status of disaster resilience in the conduct of tourism business units of Bhotekoshi riverside area and also tries to find out probable role of major actors involved in disaster risk management. Methodology applied are field observation of the study area, case study of tourism units and key informants interview. Two tourism resorts of the area are purposefully selected for in-depth case study whereas stakeholders from local to central level are covered during interview and consultation. Even though disaster management approach has noticed paradigm shift in recent years, study couldn't find any remarkable symptoms of proactive initiations at local level. Attempts for disaster risk reduction at the community level are lacking. Only few professional organization's role is aligned to DRR in post earthquake scenario. Policy alignment in line with international commitments for DRR like Sendai Framework followed by actions at local level is important. For this community level capacity building and use of recent technologies, integrated efforts among the stakeholders in both disaster management and tourism development is key aspects of interrelation between disaster management and sustainable tourism. Role of government, business, local communities and their integrated efforts are also crucial. Preparation and mitigation related activities with appropriate capacity building programs are better to expedite in a coordination.
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    Factors affecting FDI inflow in Nepal
    (Department of Public Administration, 2022) Shrestha, Hira
    Nepal is least developed and landlocked country. It is located between two giant countries China and India. It lacks resources for economic growth and development. Without investment economic development is impossible within the country. To become a middle-income country and achieve sustainable development goals by 2030, Nepal needs financing gap of Rs. 585 billion per year to meet the SDGs. this resource gap can be bridged through FDI. In order to attract FDI, Constitution of Nepal 2072 encourage to mobilize foreign capital and technology investment for infrastructure in the area of export promotion, and import substitution and infrastructure development to suit national interest. Other Legal and institutional arrangement have been applied and policy reforms on FDI is continuously undertaking. However, Nepal is a poor performer/host of FDI and contribution of FDI in GDP is one of the lowest in the world. This study aimed to analyze trend of FDI inflows from F/Y 2069/70 to F/Y 2078/79 and examine individual impact of geographical location and diplomatic mission on FDI inflows in Nepal. The hypothesis followed was Geographical Location and Diplomatic Mission affects significantly in FDI inflows in Nepal. Mixed research design was applied and collected both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative was presented and interpreted to examine the effects of geographical location and diplomatic mission on FDI inflow in Nepal. Whereas, the qualitative data obtained through interview from the experts, employees and foreign investors provided the clear issues, climate of FDI in Nepal. The secondary data obtained through reports and documents of IBN, DOI, FNCCI, NRB, MOF and other sources helped to analyze the trends of FDI in Nepal. Finally, to obtain concrete result analytical generalization technique was applied to merge the qualitative and quantitative data. The regression analysis of trend data showed the insignificant inflow of FDI over 10 fiscal years. Similarly, the regression analysis with FDI inflows as dependent variable and geographical location as independent variables shows positive and significant relationship with each other. The result reported in the regression result are R Square=0.360 and P is equal to 0.001. Therefore, the given hypothesis H1 is accepted. i.e., FDI inflows is affected by geographical location. Likewise, the regression analysis result also proved the hypothesis that FDI inflows is significantly affected by diplomatic mission. The result reported in the regression result are R Square=0.271 and P is equal to 0.001. From the qualitative perspective, Majority of the respondents viewed that lack of adequate infrastructure, increased cost of doing business, production of goods and services, increased transaction cost and time, narrow domestic markets, safety issues and bureaucratic long and complicated legal hassles as a supplementary has broadly demotivated the intention of foreign investors to invest into the country. Most of the respondents viewed that we lack good business environment. The present diplomatic mission on economic development is not sufficient to attract stipulated amount of FDI inflows in Nepal. We are far behind the diplomatic proficiency in order to lobby for trade liberalization, technology transfer, market access, investment promotion, dissemination of potential areas of investments, capacity development of existing human labor and facilitate on investment decisions to foreign investors. The view of the key respondents coincides with quantitative data regarding impact of geographical location and diplomatic mission on FDI inflows in Nepal. Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Geographical Location and Diplomatic mission, Nepal
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    Employee's Ethical behavior of local Government of Suryabinayak Municipality, Bhaktapur
    (Department of Public Administration, 2022) Bhandari, Rita
    In the contemporary world, ethics has been a major subject of political and economic domain. There has been a lot of discussion about the negative repercussions of unethical behavior by executives and employees and collapse of multinational businesses and public enterprises. Therefore, the main purpose of the study is to assess the ethical behavior of employees on local government of Suryabinayak Municipality, Bhaktapur to make recommendations for ways to enhance service delivery in local level government. On ontological perspective, this research was based on objectivist and subjectivist philosophical paradigm followed by positivist and interpretive mode of epistemological reasoning. It is the deductive research and its research methodology comprises descriptive research design. The primary source of data were collected through questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Purposive or judgmental sampling was applied in this research. The quantitative data has been presented in table including frequency and percentage. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically in descriptive way. The study reveals that employees’ ethical practices in local government in Suryabinayak Municipality are satisfactory. Level of awareness on good governance practices in the local level is high. The value of ethics in employee for doing work is found to be fair. Levels of courtesy, informed accessibility and transparency are satisfactory. Majority of the employees were aware about the code of ethics of organization and while implementing them. The available codes of conduct are found to be sufficient while addressing the unethical practices of service delivery in local governance. The qualitative and quantitative result depicted that there were major challenges which hinder good governance practices in local level viz. corruption, bureaucracy, political interference, delays, incompetence, and nepotism, lack of funds, poor management and lack of technology. It is concluded that corruption is chronic problems of local governance practices in local level. So, public service institutions should give due attention to such issues. The research concludes that effectiveness, fairness, competition and transparency in government service delivery processes can be best achieved by strong ethical conduct of public servant officials.
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    Perception of academicians towards quality of public service marketing in Pokhara
    (Department of Public Administration, 2022) Palikhe, Amin
    The main purpose of the study is to assess “Perception of Academicians towards Quality of Public Service Marketing in Pokhara”. The main concern is to assess the quality of public service delivery by reducing the public expenses and cost of service delivery.This study mainly focuses on understanding user experiences with public services. The research was done to measure the quality of public service delivery dimension to impact of perception of quality service and satisfaction by using the five service delivery dimensions: accessibility, cost,time, barrier and behavior. The research methodology comprises descriptive research design followed by stratified and simple random sampling.There for e 115 permanent academic faculty members were taken under multi stage sampling. In addition, 15 samples were taken among campus chief and assistant campus chief from one constitute and four affiliated college as a purposive sampling. The primary sources of data were collected through questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Reliability and validity were tested. Primarily mean and median were used to measure the quality of public service delivery. The study reveals that overall qualities of public service delivery dimension are moderate. The academicians were satisfied with the quality of public service delivery in Pokhara but perception was not as expected. However, the qualitative result depicted that there were major challenges in service delivery such as problem from staff, risk after payment of fees and extra efforts for completing lengthy service. In addition, environmental situation, employees’ attitude, intermediaries, and Afno Manche, salary level and political interventions cause changes in behavior in during public service delivery. So,public service institutions should give due attention to such issues to improve quality of service delivery in Pokhara. Even though there is no specific model to measure the quality of public service delivery in Nepalese context therefore, a CAT- Behavior model is recommended for measuring the quality of public service delivery in context of Pokhara as well as in Nepal.
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    Policy implementation practices in institutional performance of public enterprises: A case of Gorakhapatra corporation
    (Department of Public Administration, 2022) Phuyal, Shreeram
    Globally, Public enterprises are showing poor institutional performance. The multiple objectives and targeted goals set by the government are not fulfilled on time. Effective policy implementation is lagging far behind so that policy innovation and its proper utilization are vital for enhancing institutional capacity of public enterprises. The research therefore assessed the major dimensions of policy implementation practices in institutional performance of Gorkhapatra Corporation. On the given case domain, this study tries to explore the constraints arisen during policy implementation practices and the possible reform measures regarding effective implementation of major dimensions of policy implementation. It has tried to fill the gap between policy instruments and their measures of implementing policy paving a way to rediscover public enterprises. A mix research design was adopted for the given case study. The Correlational research design in quantitative data analysis gets followed by in-depth analysis of key informant interviews in qualitative data analysis. The practical implication of the study is to suggest the best dimensions of policy implementation practices for enhancing the institutional performance of public enterprises. In addition, it can be instrumental for other similar enterprises or governmental bodies to build entrepreneurship and institutional accretion. The criteria of autonomy, entrepreneurship and their ease to innovate constructive policy for strengthening the feeble stature of various public enterprises can be the benefit of this study.