Teachers' Perceptions towards the use of Strategies for Developing Students’Critical Thinking Abilities

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Department of English Education
This research work entitledTeachers' Perceptions towards the Use of Strategies for Developing Students’Critical ThinkingAbilitieswascarriedout to find outthe strategies used by the teachers for developing criticalthinking abilities of the studentsandtheir perceptions on the role of criticalthinking strategies in language learning.The primary datafor the studywascollected from the thirty secondarylevel English teachers fromJanakpur area.The sample wasselected by usingnon–random purposive sampling strategy.The datawasobtained from the respondents through theuse ofquestionnaire.The collected data from the questionnaire wereanalyzed and interpreted byusing simple statistical tools and descriptive techniques. The results of thestudy showedthatmajority of the teachersused Pair-Reading and Pair-Summarizing, Know/Want to know/ Learn, Direct Reading Activity, Think-Pair-Share, Semantic Map, Cooperative Learning, Value Line and CriticalThinking Mindset strategiesin their classrooms.Almost all of the teachersbelieved thatCritical thinking is playing very important role in Englishlanguage learning. It is boosting the students thinking and make the able tounderstand the things more broadly. This thesis comprises offive chapters. Chapter one deals with thebackgroundof the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, researchquestions,significance of the study, delimitations of the studyand operationaldefinitions of the key terms. Similarly, chapter two deals with the review ofrelated literature and conceptual framework. It includesreview of the relatedtheoretical literature, review of the empirical literature, implicationsof thereview for the study and conceptual framework. Chapter three consists ofdesign and method of the study,population, sample and sampling strategy, datacollection tools and techniques, sources of data, data collection procedures,data analysis procedures and ethical considerations.Chapter four consists ofthe analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, chapter five deals with themajor findings ofthe study, conclusion and recommendations on the basis ofthe analysis and interpretation of the collected data.