Autonomous Learning Activites of the students for Developing their Speaking Skill

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Department of English Education
The present research entitledAutonomous Learning Activities of theStudents forDeveloping their Speaking Skillwas an attempt to find out theautonomous learning activities of the students for developing their speakingskill and to find out the teacher’s role in developing learner autonomy inspeaking. The sample size of this research consisted purposively selected 30students of M.Ed. first Semester of the Department of English education andfive teachers who were teaching them. Survey research design was used in thisstudy. Both primary and secondary sources of data were utilized inthisresearch. The data were collected through the use of questionnaire. Thecollected data were analyzed and interpreted descriptively and statistically.Theresearch finding showed that 93.34% of thestudents agree tousethe computerassisted language learning,83.34% of the students areusing written text,93.34% of the students areusing library,and 83.33% of the students are usinglanguage gamesrespectively. These activities plays verycrucial role indeveloping autonomy forimproving theirspeaking skill throughthe helpofgroupinteraction, presentation, role play, simulation, role playing; interviewstorytelling techniques asthe autonomous learning activities. Similarly, themajority of the teachers, i.e. 60% agreed to the role ofcontroller, promoter,resourceful person and tutor to maketheirstudentsautonomous for developingtheir speaking skill by their own efforts and potential. This thesis is divided into five chapters; the first chapteris introductory innature whichdeals with backgroundof the study, statement of the problems,significant of study, objectives of the study, research questions anddelimitations of the study and operational definition of key terms. The secondchapter incorporates review of theoretical literature, review of empiricalliterature, implications of the review for the study, and conceptual frameworkand third chapter incorporates design and method of the study, population,sample and sampling strategies, research tools, sources of data, data collectionprocedures and ethical consideration. Similarly, fourth chapter incorporatesanalysis and interpretation of the results and summary of the findings and fifthchapter concludes the all.