Nature as an actor in Jon Krakauer's into thin air

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Department of English
This research is an attempt to portray Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air from the perspective of ecocriticism where the notion of nature as an actor has been used. It analyzes the exploitation of Mt. Everest, and how the power of Mt. Everest challenges and changes the existing anthropocentric mindsets. It follows details from starting of Mt. Everest climbing to the impact of climbing on its climbers. In the beginning, it seems that climbers are getting victory over it. But, later on, their victory turns into defeat. The research questions the human-centered notions which valorize the excessive use and exploitation of nature. So, this memoir is representation of nature as an actor. Particularly, the ideas of Cheryll Glotfelty have been used. Overall, this paper attempts to extend the horizon of preservation, sustainability, and equal respect of nature which is the only way to save this earth and human beings including other species and its ecosystem. Key Words: Anthropocentrism, Exploitation, Actor, Ecocriticism, Preservation of Nature