Male hegemony as the source of women’s torture in Rajendra Singh Bedi’s I Take This Woman

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Department of English
Main purpose of this study “Male Hegemony as the Source of Women's Torture in Rajendra Singh Bedi’s I Take This Woman” is to analyze the male hegemony as a source of women’s suffering. Crossing the boundaries of selective representation of the then society, the writer in the novel, has made the actual depiction of women’s sufferings because of male hegemonic rule exposing the pain, suffering, trauma and torture of the victims by going back to the specific levels of the events. In this course, male hegemony, in several parts of the novel, highlights the irrationality, inhumanity and narrow vision of the so-called male chauvinists as well as the so called hegemonic mind of women themselves. In some other occasions, he catches the indifferences and the hypocritical attitudes of the society as a whole. And in other places of the novel he has shown the vulnerable condition of weak and innocent women in front of those wild males. In this way, Bedi has used male hegemonic rule as his weapon to subvert the existing notion about women’s suffering in Indian subcontinent.