Discourse Analysis of Business Letters

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Department of English Education
The present research study entitled "Discourse Analysis of Business Letters" aims at finding out the moves and steps of business correspondence as well as politeness strategies used in business letters.From the analysis it is found that the use of politeness strategies wascommon in business letters. The three types of moves and steps werefound being used namely: establishing link, soliciting information andpromoting further contacts. Theentire thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapterdeals with the introduction part which mainlyconsist with thegeneralbackground, history of advertising, types of advertising, discourse ofadvertising, discourse structure of advertisingand such others. The second chapter deals with the methodology used in the study.The sources of data, sample population and sampling procedure, tools fordata collection, data collection procedures are included in this chapter. Chapter three is the main part of the study which includes analysisand interpretation of the data. The data is discussed descriptively,occasionally taking help of simple statistical tools like mean andpercentage. The last chapter encompasses with the findings andrecommendations made after the analysis of the data and conclusion ofthe study are also included within it.