Role of Women Entrepreneurship in Small-Scale and Cottage Industries: A Case Study of Dang District

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Department of Rural Development
This study deals with the " Role of Women Entrepreneurship in Small - Scale and Cottage Industries" of Tualsipur Municipality of Dang District. It is and Important occupation to generate income, from where most of the women entrepreneurs can fulfill their different necessities easily , This Study covers only Tualsipur Municipality of Dang District. The general objectives of the study is to examine socio- economic status of women entrepreneurs and to analyze the product faced by women entrepreneurs. for the study the extensive field visit was conducted in Tualsipur Municipality of Dang District. Hence, the findings and recommendations of this study may not be applicable on other place. It is based on empirical data alone with available pertinent was applied. For primary data generation, structured questionnaire. informal interview from key- informant and observation method were applied. The study is descriptive and analytical in nature in which descriptive statistics is applied for the analysis of the data. The analysis of the data is done manually/ 38 cottage and small industries are taken on the basis of universal method on different words of Tualisipur Municipality of Dang District . There are some problems in goods production and, marketing such as lack of institutional credit services, low price of goods insufficient raw materials unprotected government policies and so on. Specially the products and services are for local areas. There is further possibility of market expansion.