Promoting Local Self-Governance System Through Social Mobilization (A Case Study of Thanamaula VDC of Parbat)

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Faculty of Sociology
Village Development Programme (VDP) under Decentralization Local Governance Support Program has been effective for rural development because of implementing various, projects. This program is helpful for rural development specially for poverty alleviation. VDP was implemented in 23 VDCs in Parbat District during 1996. No research has been done by anybody about in Parbat District. So, this research has been conducted with various objectives. The main objective of the study is (a) to evaluation the effectiveness of social mobilization in institutional development at grass-root level and self-governance. The specific objectives are as follows: •To study the process of social mobilization. •To identify the achievement on institutional development. •To identify the achievement on economic development. Primary data has been collected by sampling techniques. Questionnaire, field survey,interview are used as tools of data collection. Secondary data has been collected from books, booklets, bulletin, news paper, magazine and other other published and unpublished. There are 12 community Organization formulated under Village Development Program. Among those community organizations, 308 households are included. Those people are interested to join CO for purpose of taking loan, skill development, to be self dependent and social feeling. VDP focuses on income generating activities,skillful training, education and awareness building. People’s life status is increasing gradually after Village Development Program. They have been free from high rate interest of local money lenders. CO member collect certain amount money and invest on various purposes among themselves. The most effective projects under Village Development Program are seed Grant and Credit Capital. VDP has given priority in drinking water, school construction, and irrigation by seed Grand Project CO members people have been benefited by Credit iv Capital Project. Credit Capital is invested on vegetable farming, goal rearing, poultryfarming and business. Various types of trainings have been provided by VDP to CO members. About 177CO members are benefited by skill trainings. From this study, it can be identified that female, Dalit and disadvantaged groups(DAGs) who are target groups of this program are found benefited. Also the rate of people’s participation has been increased. People’s perception toward VDP has been found positive. Its positive impacts have seen in social, economic, educational, health and sanitation sector. Caste and gender discrimination have been minimized.