A Study of Verbs Used in Prospectus

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faculty of Education
ThisresearchstudyentitledA Study ofVerbsUsed in Prospectusaimed tostudy verbs used inprospectus in terms of tense and voice. This is a descriptivework the data for which were taken through secondary sources.The objectivesmystudy wasto find out verbs used in prospectus and analyze them and tosuggest some pedagogical implications. Iobserved the verbs of selectedmessage sections and analyzedthem by using statistical tools like table andpercentage.To collect the data for the study, I selected message sections of allselected 20 prospectuses. My analysis of data showed that in the 20 messagesectionsthepresent tense isused most frequently. Similarly, simple aspect gotthe highest frequency and perfective and progressive aspects were used after itin the decreasing order. Likewise, it was found that active voice was used morefrequently than passive voice. This thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter consists of generalbackground which includes discussion on various issuesrelated to the title ofthe research work, importance of the English language teaching in Nepal, massmedia its importance and types, objectives and significance of the study. Thesecond chapter deals with the literature related to the study, theoretical andconceptual framework. The third chapter methodology includes the sources ofdata, sampling procedure, tools for the data collection and processes of the datacollection. Similarly, the fourth chapter deals with analysis and interpretationof the data. Likewise, the fifth chapter consists of the results and discussion ofthe study followed by findingsand implications of the study.