Role of Mentoring Inteachers’professional Development

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Faculty of Education
The present study was conducted to examine theRole of Mentoring inTeachers’ Professional Development. The objective of the study was tofindout the practice of mentoring atsecondary levelin Nepal. This studywas conducted in 20 English medium schools of Kathmandu district.Forty secondary levelEnglish language teacherswere taken as the sampleof the study. Spendingtwo days, I distributed the questionnaires to therespectiveteachers.The next day,Ivisited the schoolsand collected theresponses from the respondents. Then Istarted analyzingcollecteddata.Afterthe completion of analysis, the results were matchedand comparedto determine the practice of mentoring at thesecondary levelin Nepal. Asindicated in thefindings,mentoring wasnotfound to bepracticed in theschools.This thesis work consists offive chapters. Chapter one is introductorychapter which includes general background, statement of the problemrational of the study, objectives of the study, research questions,significanceof thestudy, delimitations of the study and operationaldefinition of the key terms. Similarly,thesecond chapteris the review ofrelated literature whichconsists of theoretical and empirical implicationof the review forthe study and conceptual framework. Chapterthreeprovidesthe details of methodology and the procedures followed by theresearcher in the collection of the primaryas well as secondary data. Itparticularly consists of design of the study, sourcesof data, area of the x study,sampling procedure, datacollectiontools, information collectionprocedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure. Chapter four isthe analysis and interpretationof the data. The data were analyzed andinterpreted on the basis of the responses of the questionnaire given by theEnglish language teachers. It consists of results and discussion andinterpretation.Finally, the last chapter consists of the summary,conclusions and implicationsof theresearch. This chapter is followed bythe references and appendices.