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Smart phones have become an integral part of human life and consistent use of smart phones in daily life has become a lifestyle and need at a same time. Today many populations have internet accesses through smart phones and mobile devices rather than computer or laptop. Through Mobiles features a user can get in touch with a whole world by the help of internet. Increase in mobile users has brought a revolution in advertising and marketing sector called mobile marketing.
Mobile advertising is the process of using mobile device as a tool for the promotion of product and services. Mobile marketing includes all kinds of ads that appear on mobile devices, smart phones, or other mobile. In this technology age the consumer using mobile devices is also increasing rapidly. The increasing in subscription rate has indicated the potential of the mobile advertising. A research conducted by the Kantipur publication (2016), shows the mobile subscription rate in Nepal is around 27.5 million and almost 75% population have access to the smart phones. Even in rural areas the people are switching from normal phones to smart phones.